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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Paris.  I've spent quite a bit of time there, visiting family with my husband, and right now, I'm missing it.  I celebrated Christmas there for the past two years, so now, it's a little weird to think of a Christmas away from Paris.  I love the tiny shops and amazing food, the cathedrals, the size (it feels tiny compared to London), and most particularly buying a baguette for less than a euro.  It's a pretty great city. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I could live there, in those photos of yours, for like... ever.

    Aloha Sweet Friend,

    The ladies and I are starting to gather a bit early this week so that we can take our turkey loving time mingling and growing together over the next few days.

    Thank you for linking up with us last week, thank you for sharing your sweet energy with all of us... thank you for being beautiful you.

    Come join us if you please.
