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Friday, January 4, 2013

the bright side

So this new year got off to kind-of a bad start. Or maybe I should say 2012 had a bad end? Either way, it's sucked and been hard. And you have to choose between talking about it all the time or let's pretend it isn't happening. And, you know, neither of those is a great option.  So I keep reminding myself, it will work out. Things will get better. Let's enjoy this part of life and each day. Because there will always be reasons to be unhappy.

So here's a picture from this morning, when I was running along the sea. I really love the sea. I like watching the waves and realizing my problems aren't that big of a deal.


  1. always remind yourself that everything is only temporary.

  2. I love looking at your pictures! I used to live in Swanage, Dorset and I miss it some days!

    If you'd like to participate, I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award :) http://happyprettyblog.com/liebster-award/

  3. Beautiful picture. Also, couldn't help but notice your post below. I totally relate! My husband works all day and then when he comes home I have so much bottled up energy and he just wants to relax. And I LOVE going on walks but it does take some convincing! I just found your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you better. Hope you don't mind if I follow along!

    new follower :)
