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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

life lately

It has been hot around these parts, and never have I loved living near the seaside more.  It's so nice to be able to walk down to water in just two minutes, and cool down without any effort.  I'm not sure if I could ever really live far away from the seaside, it's just so nice!  We've been taking walks, paddling in the water, and learning how to skip stones.  (I'm really terrible at that.)

A few weeks ago, we went on a walk that took us by a busy duck pond.  We'd brought some old bread with us so that we'd be able to feed them, and we were excited to see there were swans and goslings there, too. 

It's been so sunny and bright out, the water is a perfect color and temperature.  It's also been very still -- horrible for surfing, but perfect for standing in, or kayaking, or swimming.  Sam has finished his classes, and so he can visit the sea with me, guilt-free.  I'm not the biggest fan of hot weather, but this can stay for a while, and we'll definitely make the most of it with ice cream and seaside walks. 

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to live by the ocean/sea. Then I had two daughters and well, to save some poor lads life or my girls sanity from their father, living by the ocean is out.

    Enjoy some beach time for the rest of us poor people who are stuck landlocked.
