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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

two years

Two years ago, my husband and I got married.  It was a hot and humid day, and the sun was so bright that I got sunburned just taking pictures outside afterwards (and you can tell we're squinting in like 90 per cent of our photos.  Oh, well).  My parents were still living in France, but they were in between renters on their home, so they were back for a month in August, anyway.  I had a hard time finding a dress that would be accepted to wear outside in the August heat.  (I really hate heat.) 

After our ceremony and picture taking, we drove off and bought bagels together, because we were hungry and there were several hours until our reception started.  Our reception was held that night in my parent's back garden, and the weather by that time was perfect.

That night, we drove to a hotel and the next morning, we took a bus to NYC for our sort-of honeymoon.  We were mostly in NYC to get Sam a visa (oh, visas) from the British Embassy there, but we also had fun visiting Central Park, the public library, St Patrick's Cathedral, and lots of other random places.  Also eating some delicious food, like more bagels. 

Last year, we celebrated in Paris (with my family), and everything in our future was pretty uncertain.  I guess nothing is every straightforward, or easy, but at the moment, things are pretty great.  Marriage has been weird and hard and not really anything like I imagined, but overall, it's so much better than anything I pictured.  In some ways, it's so bizarre that we've been married for two years (which is really not long at all), but mostly, it feels like it's been much longer.  We've traveled so much together, moved around, done degrees, and I love having a partner in all things. 

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