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Friday, January 24, 2014

this week

Lately, we've been doing our best to get outside time despite all the wind and rain that just won't stop.  Sam has been working on his computer, getting ready to begin interviews for his dissertation, and stepping in at the last minute to run our church youth program on Thursday nights.  I helped host a little quiz during a church dinner, which mostly taught me that I hate being any sort of MC.  There were a lot of old ladies there who needed me to keep repeating -- loudly -- each question.  It was exhausting.  (Well, not really.  But it was a bit annoying.)  I also brought two cakes to the dinner, and got compliments on both.  I'm really looking forward to the day when we invest in a stand mixer, because using a wooden spoon is getting old.  I can't even imagine the luxury of baking without working up a sweat.  But maybe it's good, giving me a workout when I make something sweet. 

I've also enjoyed exploring our town. I found a new church recently, which is just gorgeous.  It's on a quiet road that I'd never turned on until I went on a different run than usual this week.. I love stone churches.  I also love all the beautiful things around here, like flowers that are still in bloom, or the stretch of green grass by the seafront.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures! Good for you getting out and about in this weather. It always makes me wanna just stay under the covers haha.
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee
