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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday Social

So, another link-up with Sunday Social today. It's been a lovely weekend so far and I'm looking forward to Christmas. And now...my answers to this week's questions!

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Definitely cookie dough. That is pretty much what I always pick. Except sometimes I like mint chocolate chip instead. 

What is your favorite smell? I love the smell of fresh, homemade bread. Yum! Also I like the smell of Christmas trees and old books.

What is your favorite TV commercial? (Past or Present) Well, sadly, I have never really owned a TV, so anything I watch is streamed online or on DVD. So really...I can't think of any commercials, let alone a favorite one.

What is your favorite day of the week? This changes, depending on my schedule. Right now it is probably Friday. Nothing like the anticipation of the weekend.

What is your favorite way to waste time? Blogging, and reading other people's blogs, mainly. I also read books, but I don't think of that as wasting time. Sam and I also watch some TV together sometimes...and that can feel like a time-waster when it goes on for too long.

What is your favorite article of clothing? (Feel free to show a picture) huh...okay, definitely a pair of brown boots I have. I wear them all the time and I adore them. 

Happy Sunday! What are some of your favorites?


  1. Meee too. the boots. Love me some boots. And, I am a blog addict as well. how fun! swinging by from the social, new follower. hope you can visit my page and do the same! Merry Christmas!!

  2. Hey, new follower from the followers to friends blog party. I love cookie dough ice cream, so good! Also, boots are a fave of mine as well. :)

